Monday, February 9, 2009

what's up with the apartment building at 143 rhode island avenue nw?

this beautiful apartment building at 143 rhode island ave nw is partially boarded up and appears to be unoccupied. am i incorrect—are there people actually living here?

looking at the district's tax records, the building is owned by "BARRY HOMES LTD PARTNRSH GR WASHINGTON MUTUAL HOUSING", whose business address is listed as 1419 v street nw. that property is owned by "SAINT PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH", though we know the church at that location as st. augustine's catholic church. turns out, if you read the parish's history, the parishes of saint paul and saint augustine merged in the 1960s, and in the 1970s the saint paul moniker was removed in favor of saint augustine. apparently, that hasn't happened on the level of the tax records.

regardless, this is a gorgeous building, located on the triangle formed by the corner of rhode island avenue and t street. it's a shame the building isn't cared for as well as it should be.


Anonymous said...

I live across T St from the apartment building. It's currently vacant and has been for about two years.

About two weeks ago the tenant in the basement of the townhouse adjacent to the apartment building had her apartment flooded as a result of a burst pipe in the apartment building. As you probably remember it was very cold that week, then warmed up, causing the pipe to freeze then burst.

This is not the first time this problem has occurred in the apartment building.

Also, the building was not adequately secured when the tenants vacated about two years go, and squatters took up residence for a time.

The owner of the adjacent townhouse has contacted the owners about these problems. The apartment building owners have been reasonably responsive, but these problems keep occurring.

Unknown said...

I anyone knows how to contact the owner directly, please email or pass my email address on to the owner. I would love to purchase this beautiful building. Send the email to