Thursday, April 10, 2008

new revenue stream for the city or an entrepreneur

so, i had this wild idea today. if the city is truly concerned that we could be heading for a money crunch, all they have to do is surround a location and swarm in on the lawbreakers within, charging them all with fines commensurate to their crime. it'll bring in a ton of money. what crime is this that i speak of?

that crime would be related to the inability to read these signs. i don't have a dog in this hunt (that pun's for you, alice), but cripes, you loganites don't really give a rat's ass about those signs in the circle, do you?

this is where i see a revenue stream for an entrepreneur. english teachers. obviously a bunch of yuppies with their puppies need lessons...


Sean Hennessey said...

is that some sort of gang activity?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be revenue for the Federal Government instead of the City since that's Federal land? I guess that one way they could pay for the Ford Theater renovations . . .

Anonymous said...

Perhaps these folks went to the same schools that the surrounding Church members went to ... you know the schools that teach you to IGNORE parking regulation signs on Sundays and do what they want to do? Much like these folks

monkeyrotica said...

I have some chocolate covered macadamia nuts, if that would make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Wow, when I used to live in Logan Circle there were bums hanging on out in that park. My how gentrification changes a place!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the neighborhood has a high EAF. (entitled as%ho*e factor)

Make 'em clean it up!

A beautiful day stuck in the neighborhood... said...

Actually, I'm incredibly offended by your blog. I live a block north of the circle and have a dog that often visits the park. We have spoken directly with the US park service who clearly stated they chose not to enforce this restriction. Moreover, DC is one of the few Cities in the US that does not have a dog park. Perhaps we could encourage more income earners to move to the City and actually pay income taxes, and not evade them, if we actually could give up just a small piece of land for dogs. Until then, let the dogs play!

IMGoph said...

wow, joy, i'm glad you're offended. it's good that i'm able to get a visceral response out of something that is clearly facetious.

please keep reading, my goal continues to be to pique...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this! These people are either completely oblivious or have a sense of entitlement that gives all dog owners a bad name. Their blatant disregard for the law and for those of us who KEEP OUR DOGS ON THEIR LEASH for safety reasons never ceases to amaze me.

I walk my dog there on a leash a few times daily and without fail a couple off-leash dogs approach my dog, who is not friendly on a leash. The owners are absolutely clueless or too busy on their cell phones or chatting with the other off-leash owners to notice that I'm puling away from their dog. These people give all law abiding dog owners a bad name.

Anonymous said...

i knew that eventually there would be some dialogue on this...i gotta say, i'm ambivalent and probably biased (i'm a dog owner who frequents logan circle) on this matter of dogs in logan. if a dog owner doesn't want somebody else's dog to interact with their's, they are totally within their right to expect such. personally, i don't think it gives law abiding dog owners a bad name when FRIENDLY off leash dogs approach. furthermore, i guess i have to say well, the rules are the rules. but under the "pick my battles heading", i don't see great harm being caused by these dog owners save for the apparent disregard of the signs posted. i guess i'm ok with it because i've been able to meet, talk and interact with (i guess u could say bond) some nice people that i think i would not have otherwise had the good fortune of doing.

Anonymous said...

What is the big problem with letting people let their dogs play in a small patch of grass?! Do you really care that much? And if you do, why? I figure if people are diligent in cleaning up the dog poo, whats the harm? Is it the grass you're worried about, or is it the fact that there is a sign? People ignore signs all the time in my experience, loitering signs, speed signs, yield signs, no right turn on red sign...
Maybe someone should just remove the sign and then problem solved.

IMGoph said...

mr. and/or ms. anonymous:

you obviously missed out on the snarkiness involved here.

but to answer your question, yes, it's a big problem. i care more than you can imagine, because i believe this is a bigger problem than anything going on in our society right now. i just hope that the next president feels it is important to deal with this. that's why i'm disappointed that charles gibson didn't ask a question about it at the last debate...

Anonymous said...

Hey IMgoph you fucking loser, how about you tell me where to find you and ill give you an english lesson you fucker. find some other cause to rally for idiot, because i don't think the grass at logan circle needs you to defend it. and if you feel that strongly about it, how about you join the park service so you can write tickets all day long, asshead.

IMGoph said...

hey anonymous, i live on the corner of 1st and seaton nw. come and knock on my door, if you're not afraid to hide behind your anonymity. i'll do three things for you:

1) point out your lack of grammatical skills.

2) offer you congratulations for having the balls to threaten someone anonymously. because i know it takes a lot for a misanthrope to get the guts to write a comment on a blog.

3) find you a friend. you obviously need someone to rant to on a regular basis.

now, if you'd like to step out of the shadows and stop acting like a 14 year old, we can talk.