Monday, April 6, 2009

update on watha t. daniel sidewalks

commenter dano pointed out in last week's post about the construction fencing around the site of the once and future watha t. daniel library that it was most likely a temporary layout, and that more pedestrian-friendly setup would be in place soon.

yesterday, these jersey barrier-esque plastic thingamabobs were placed on rhode island avenue. it would appear that the right hand lane will become a defacto sidewalk for the duration of the construction, but that's yet to be determined...


dano said...

heh, excellent use of technical jargon. not trying to be snarky, it made me chuckle, and i have no idea what else you would call them aside from jersey barriers.

hopefully they work out that bus stop too...

dano said...

just to follow up, the bus is still stopping there, and it appears that the site will be using the side walk and the right lane, protected by aforementioned thingamabobs, has become the sidewalk. there is also a gap in the jersey barriers to allow bus boarding.

this has had the affect of a bit of a bottle neck on RIA, but with the way people fly down the road there, a little slow down is welcome IMO.

dano said...

oh, and have you checked out the work going on on W st near 2nd northwest? i noted a bit back that a new roof had sprouted on the long fenced off building.

ap said...

imgoph -- not sure you were on my list to interview congresswoman norton tomorrow at 4:30 at the Big Bear Cafe, but I figured you might be interested -- please contact me at for more info. thanks.

IMGoph said...

dano: i've been by the rearranged barricades on RIA, and i have to say, it's fine for pedestrians and bikers now. not so much for cars, but since they have everything else going for them, i agree that they can just suck it up and deal for a few months...