Friday, August 31, 2007

did i just meet mr. ray?

anyone who is on the shaw listservs or follows the comments on a lot of the shaw blogs knows mr. ray. he always posts stuff like this or this, posts that get people talking. sometimes people are riled up by what he has to say, but what he says always keeps the conversation moving forward about what needs to be done in "le slum historique".

anyway, i saw someone picking up trash on the corner of 9th and Q a few minutes ago as i was heading home from work, and i stopped to thank him for doing so. he said he's been doing so for 21 years. now, if you click on that second link above, you'll see ray mentions that he's been here for 21 years. so, i think i just met mr. ray. he was busy and i was in a hurry though, so i didn't get his name.

if you're out there, ray, hi there! i'm the guy on the bike who lives in bloomingdale!


si said...

yep that was Mr. Ray. I was in the car that drove by honking at you all, but you were engrossed in conversation lol...

IMGoph said...

heh, now that's funny. what a small world.

Anonymous said...

It is Southern tradition that older folks are accorded respect by being called by title and first name. Real old folks go by title and last name (no one can say Milefsky, however). "Mr. Ray" is actually a 'hood-related joke after old Channel 45 (Baltimore) TV commercials for Mr. Ray's Hair Weaves. He was a corpulent Jewish guy who ran a hair-extension studio for African American women. The ads were a hoot with photos before and after Mr. Ray would "fix you up" promising you the boyfriend of your dreams.