Saturday, January 12, 2008

whole house is an advert?

check out this house. this is on 10th street just north of u street. you can see it when you get out of the east entrance of the u street metro station. i'm not advertising personally for this real estate company, but would you buy this house? do you think the future owners will have a clause in the lease that says they have to keep this "mural" on the wall for an extended period?


Mari said...

I've met James Bratton, and he's a pretty good guy. Last I heard he lives in the neighborhood, and I just guessed that the house was his residence or business or both.

Anonymous said...

It's funny you should post something about this house. Everyday, day and night, a group of homeless people hang out in that alley next to that house, and I am wondering why that is overlooked. I feel sorry for anyone who may want to buy that property.

IMGoph said...

the space next to it is an empty lot, correct? there was a house that collapsed there a couple years ago, if i remember correctly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm pretty new to that neighborhood, so I guess that makes sense that that space is a lot and not an alley. Either way, as much I have compassion on the homeless and less fortunate, as a new property owner, and just someone concerned about crime, I cringe every time I walk past that lot and see a group of them hanging out, sometimes with a fire going. But, that has been going on since I arrived, so I guess they must be harmless or maybe there is nothing anyone can do about it. That has always been a mystery to me.

B said...

Personally, I enjoy the detail put into the advert. While none of the lines appear straight, and the lettering is sloppy, that is not of import. What makes this advert for me is that the figures' got some bubble goose going on.

But hey, if that clause got me $20k, maybe 15k, off the price, I'd do it for 3 years..