Sunday, February 3, 2008

update on the pop-up from hell

well, prince of petworth beat me to this today, but i was out this afternoon poking around town in this amazing, unseasonable warmth. got a couple pictures of the horrendous pop-up on p street just east of north capitol that i chronicled here earlier. suffice it to say that the one thing i hoped for (the addition is made to look like it really should be part of the house architecturally) just ain't happening.

not. even. freakin'. close.



monkeyrotica said...

Nothing like a 4-story teal boner to add just the right frisson of fugliness to a neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the humanity!

NolanT said...

I know people say "that shouldn't be legal" as hyperbole, but really, that shouldn't be legal.

inked said...

WTF were they thinking? We've got some ugly stuff in Trinidad too. There is one pop up roof that makes me wonder who the builder thinks he is kidding everytime I go by. We also have a monstrosity on Morse. The builder, whose permits have since been revoked, obtained his permits fraudulently by claiming that his 11 unit condo building wasn't new construction, but just an addition to a one story building that existed on the site. Except that the building didn't appear on the construction plans. A few years later we have this horrid half built abandoned construction site. This thing they've built looks like a very ugly giant house in the suburbs. It often has squatters and is a haven for neighborhood kids who've caused a concussion or two by throwing 2x4s at people's heads from the site. That original house they were adding on to collapsed into a giant pit that they dug two years ago. So in our case what they built wasn't legal, but that didn't stop DCRA from issuing the permits, and it didn't stop construction from moving forward.

Anonymous said...

So that's what a house made of legos would look like, mystery solved.

I hope they let this house stay as is, it would be really fun to see what they try and sell it for.

Joe Grossberg said...

Given that the two houses to its left are boarded-up, with windows smashed in, I don't think that aesthetics are (nor should be) the owner's top priority.

Anonymous said...

man, manifest destiny must be a helluva thing. sure is nice to not see the need to CONTROL, COLONIZE & ARROGATE everything....sure does make for better sleeping at night

IMGoph said...

hey there, mr. anonymous....what the hell are you talking about? ramble much?

Anonymous said...

my question is: why are you concerned ? why do you even care ? your personal safety, whilst riding your bike down P street and North Capitol should be your primary're lucky you're getting the chance to even bemoan this matter.

Anonymous said...

if you could manage to take adjust the eye holes in that hood of yours, perhaps you could see (and understand) my post.

ramble that.....

IMGoph said...

oh, i get it, you're accusing me of being a klansman. that's funny. (insert belly laugh here.) i shouldn't be feeding a troll on my own blog here, but i'll bite this once.

how can you say anything about my personality without ever having met me? my personal safety is of no concern to you, as i'm quite able to look after myself. if you're going to make baseless accusations, the least you could do is have the courage to do so out from behind a shield of anonymity.

and for the record, i'm concerned and i care because i can. there is nothing wrong with being curious about your city.

A Unique Alias said...

"your personal safety, whilst riding your bike down P street and North Capitol should be your primary're lucky you're getting the chance to even bemoan this matter."

You're right. The blog's author should just be happy he isn't being lynched.

Wait - who is supposed to be wearing the hood here?

Golden Silence said...

I'm pretty certain I saw that, ahem, thing when I was on a bus going up North Capitol Street. It's ugly no matter where you see it at.

Anonymous said...

man, manifest destiny must be a helluva thing. sure is nice to not see the need to CONTROL, COLONIZE & ARROGATE everything....sure does make for better sleeping at night.

Imgoph, I've been in the 'hood longer than you, so I will attempt to translate. (this assumes that you are Caucasian like me.)

The above post is attempting to tell you that whitie is exploiting the Chocolate City. It goes something like this: "You are just another white exploitation demon, and what you don't realize is that you are lucky to escape with your teeth intact each time you move freely about the streets of DC. The true citizens of the Chocolate City may execute a hate crime against you at will and it won't even be a blip on anyone's radar, (because my brothers are manning the radar screens around here), and you need to keep that in mind, cracker. Man, it is so good to be better than you."

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, I'm sure the pop-up property owner is not white.

Anonymous said...


That is a nice, alliterative use of the English language. Well done.

Of course, the English language is the official tongue of those who control, colonize, and arrogate everything. So should stop speaking English. Perhaps Swahili is better suited to your 'live and let live' mentality? Stop speaking English and let us know how it goes. Well, you might want to stop using computers too, since they were invented by, well, you know. (whitie)

miss bee said...

how did that ever get past the historical board? i ughhh along with you.