Thursday, July 10, 2008

why can't we make more green space?

i took these pictures a couple of weeks ago in front of seaton elementary school, at the corner of rhode island and 10th nw. they were digging up the concrete front yard of the school, and i thought, "oooh, maybe they're going to replace it with grass...give the kids something nicer to look at and walk on, and maybe make the city a little less paved over."

i was wrong. just digging up old concrete to replace it with new concrete. really, really disappointing. i feel like an opportunity was lost here.


Shaw Rez said...

We must walk the same path a lot -- I noticed this recently too, as well as the Diamond Cab banners.

This was definitely a wasted opportunity. I would guess that the project's purpose was to improve the drainage of the concrete front lawn of Seaton (I think the old concrete lawn had areas where puddles would form in wet weather). Drainage wouldn't be a problem if it was a lawn or natural area, though...

I signed up to be a school beautification day volunteer at Seaton. Kevin Chapple's forum has a link for where you can sign up. I think Seaton looks really dreary; kids couldn't possibly feel excited about their environment at Seaton...

Anonymous said...

Hello All,
I'm considering moving into the neighborhood but am a little concerned that bloomingdale is directly bordered by two violent crimes focus areas. (euphemistically called hot spots by dcmpd),a,1239,q,545954,mpdcNav_GID,1538.asp
How do people feel walking around alone after dark or from the noma or howard metros? Thanks for any and all responses.

IMGoph said...

anonymous: personally, i have no problem walking to the shaw metro station at night from blooomingdale. staying on rhode island avenue, where there are a lot more eyes on the street than the side roads, seems to be a good bet.

do you mean the new york avenue station? there isn't a noma station, last i checked. :)

Jason said...

Have you all noticed the homeless guy who's moved in by the school in the alley way? not sure if it's permanant, but he looked like he'd been there for a while.